Rebunium Tetra Luminar

Venus is now a habitable, Earth-like planet. Its entire orbit was shifted further away from the Sun to bring it closer to the "Goldilocks Zone" where biological life is able to exist. This led to average temperatures stabilizing at 77 degrees Fahrenheit.

Additionally, its day and night cycle was accelerated from 117 days to 24 hours.

Comets made of ice were redirected from the Oort Cloud and the Kuiper Belt. These comets were guided through the solar system and into the upper atmosphere of Venus, releasing vast quantities of water.

Other techniques involved capturing and removing carbon dioxide in Venus's atmosphere. This was achieved by dispersing nanobots into the air. These nanobots absorbed carbon dioxide and other toxic gases and replaced them with breathable air.

Venus now has multiple tropical oceans and two dominant landmasses along with a number of smaller subcontinents and islands. Humanity has created a third Earth.

13.75 billion years ago - The Big Bang - It is not known what triggered the Big Bang. Cosmologists believe a process called inflation happened in the fraction of a second after the Big Bang. There was a strange type of vacuum energy that caused the universe - the volume of space itself - to expand by a factor of 10^78 in a fraction of a second.

One second after the Big Bang - The universe was made up of fundamental particles including quarks, electrons, photons and neutrinos. The universe continued to expand, but not as quickly as during inflation. As the universe cooled, the four fundamental forces in nature emerged: gravity, the strong force, the weak force and the electromagnetic force. Protons and neutrons began to form. The temperature of the universe was around 10^32 Kelvin.

3 minutes after the Big Bang - Protons and neutrons began to come together to form the nuclei of simple elements. The temperature of the universe was still incredibly high at about 10^9 Kelvin.

24,000 years after the Big Bang - For the first time there was more matter than energy in the universe.

380,000 years after the Big Bang - The temperature of the universe had cooled to about 3000 K. Electrons began to combine with hydrogen and helium nuclei. High energy photons from this period rushed outwards. The early universe was so hot, that as it has expanded and cooled, the highly energetic photons from that time have had their wavelengths stretched tremendously. The cosmic microwave background we observe today is evidence of what the early universe was like. The temperature of the cosmic microwave background is now only a few degrees above absolute zero and radiation left over from this period has wavelengths of about 1 mm which is in the microwave range of the electromagnetic spectrum. This cosmic microwave radiation is what astronomers study with telescopes like Planck and others.

1,000,000,000 years after the Big Bang - The pull of gravity began to amplify irregularities in the gas in the universe. As the universe expanded, pockets of gas became more dense and and stars began to ignite. Groups of these stars became early galaxies. Many of these stars were much larger than the most common stars today.

3,000,000,000 years after the Big Bang - Many small galaxies merged to form larger ones. Often these mergers were so violent that the stars and gas collapsed and formed black holes. The gas flowing into these black holes became hot and glowed brightly before it disappeared into these black holes. This light was bright enough that it can be seen across the universe. These bright lights are called quasars.

6,000,000,000 years after the Big Bang - Large, short lived stars ended their lives in supernova explosions that distributed heavy elements such as nickel, gold, silver, and lead into the universe.

8,000,000,000 years after the Big Bang - Our Sun and Solar System began from a cloud of dust and gas in a spiral arm of the Milky Way galaxy.

9,200,000,000 years after the Big Bang (about 4,500,000,000 years ago) - the Earth formed.

13,750,000,000 years after the Big Bang - of AIG’s most important arguments is that the Earth and the universe are both only 6,000 years old. This age was arrived at using the chronology given in the Bible. According to recent creationism, the creation story in Genesis is to be taken literally. Thus, God created everything in six days. This idea is based on the argument that the Hebrew word yom specifically refers to a 24 hour period, thus “proving” the words of the Bible to be true through an obscene circular argument of semantics. I’m not even going to address this argument because analyzing word meanings and definitions can become convoluted and theoretical. I’m not saying Genesis is wrong. Instead, I argue that if a strict interpretation is to be taken, shouldn’t actual, empirical evidence match these claims? Let’s take a look at how AIG refutes scientific evidence. The Use of Radiometric Dating

If the Earth is only 6,000 years old, why does radiometric dating techniques used by geologists suggest the age is around much older? Well, AIG answers this exact question by explaining that radiometric dating is based on erroneous assumptions and cannot be trusted. It proposes that when using radiometric dating, scientists make many assumptions and “build their interpretations on these assumptions.” One of these assumptions is the idea that the rate of decay for a given radioactive material is constant. AIG suggests that while it seems constant to us, this is a massive extrapolation of data to assume that the rate would have been constant back at the beginning of the earth. However, the reality of radioactivity is that we know the rate of decay is constant based on both physics and mathematics (check out this video for how we can use mathematical proof models to demonstrate constant rates of decay). Therefore, the AIG argument that we do not know that decay rates are constant demonstrates a profound misunderstanding of empirical data and mathematical relations that describe the natural world around us. In fact, they completely disregard the many different types of dating techniques scientists use that each confirm one another. For instance, other forms of absolute dating exist such as tree ring counting, thermoluminescence, electron spin resonance, and many other different types of radiometric techniques. I encourage you to explore these techniques here and understand this for yourself. Each technique demonstrates the earth is much older than 6,000 years old and when combined with the various different techniques of relative dating using rock strata and formations, it becomes apparent that we have solid scientific evidence that the earth is much older than what AIG thinks. For instance, scientists can even use “molecular clocks” and determine when species diverged from one another well over 6,000 years ago by comparing relative DNA mutation rates that is known to correspond to a constant rate of time.

To further demonstrate how flawed their argument is, I will introduce one other aspect of their argument against using scientific methods to determine the age of the earth. The website suggests that since scientists were not present at the time of the formation of those rocks, they cannot know exactly what happened and cannot try to understand. Central to their argument is that “what we observe and measure today exists only in the present.” Therefore, they discount all use of science to make estimations of the past. With this, as they try to discount radiometric dating as evidence since we were not around back then, they invalidate their own argument as they suggest that we should accept the words of the Bible as evidence. We certainly were not alive when the Bible was written either.

The point is that science uses an enormous array of techniques and methods that supports one another, providing sound evidence that the earth is billions of years old, rather than a mere 6,000 years. AIG fails to use good science because their only arguments are to use scientifically-inaccurate claims to try to disprove scientific methods. In their attempt to do this, they fail to provide any proof or evidence of their own to demonstrate the earth is only 6,000 years as they claim. In fact, they invalidate their own argument in their attempt. AIG’s only presentable evidence is an ancient written work that is known to be filled with abstract symbolism.